Modern garage doors are designed to operate quietly. However, these doors may become noisy with time due to several reasons, including loose hardware and worn-out rollers. Operating a noisy garage door can be annoying, especially if you need to access your garage during certain hours.

Fortunately, you can do several things to minimize these noises. This article highlights four ways to make your garage door less noisy.

1. Insulate the Door

Standard garage doors are steel, vinyl, and aluminum due to their ease of maintenance and durability. However, these materials are good at transmitting vibrations that contribute to the problems of a noisy door.

To reduce these vibrations, insulate your garage door using the right material. The type of material you use for insulation majorly depends on the type of garage door you have.

For instance, when you have a rolling garage door, use soft material for insulation. If you use hard materials, the door will not roll up. However, if your garage door is sturdy, you have many options, including sound-deadening mats and loaded vinyl.

Insulating your door using the right material increases your door’s Sound Transmission Class ratings, which helps in noise reduction.

2. Lubricate the Moving Parts

A garage door is one of the frequently used doors in a home. When you close or open your garage door, friction occurs between the moving parts. Over time, these moving parts will wear out and start producing creaking and squeaking sounds.

When you experience this issue, use a silicone-based lubricant to lubricate these parts. First, spray an adequate amount of lubricant on the springs and metal rollers. If your garage door has a chain, apply the lubricant on it and check to see if the chain slides effortlessly around the bearings. Additionally, you may spray the lubricant on the door hinges and the gaps in between the panels.

To keep your garage in good shape at all times, lubricate the moving parts at least once or twice a year.

3. Upgrade Your Garage Door Rollers to Quieter Nylon

Garage door rollers are simple but an important part of your door’s configurations. They roll on the door’s rails when you open or close the door, keeping it on track.

Most garage doors come with steel rollers since this material is durable. However, steel rollers produce a lot of noise when they move within the metal frame. Also, these rollers may develop dents with time and start producing a rattling noise.

While you may reduce the noise through lubrication, this solution is not permanent. For this reason, you may need to replace the metal rollers with nylon counterparts. These rollers can assist you in minimizing noise while improving the smoothness of your garage door.

Nevertheless, nylon rollers can wear out too quickly. So, if you go for this option, inspect your garage door regularly and replace the rollers if you notice any signs of damage.

4. Use a Garage Door Silencer

All garage doors produce vibrations that travel up the ceiling since the motor housing normally attaches to the ceiling rafters. As a result, these vibrations will enter and spread throughout your home. 

If you don’t want to hear this noise completely, isolate the door opener using a door silencer. This equipment works by isolating the door opener from the ceiling. The silencer then absorbs the sound energy from the door vibration before noise reaches other rooms. To install a door silencer, you need resilient channels, isolation pads, and clips.

Garage door noise can be irritating. So whenever your garage door starts producing annoying noises, contact an expert from AA Garage Door.

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