If you need a new garage door, you’ll soon need to decide which material you prefer. Plenty of options are available these days. Aluminum, wood, and even vinyl garage doors all have their places. But one material has become very popular and deserves particular consideration: steel. Discover the many upsides, along with a few downsides, of steel garage doors.

The Benefits of Steel Garage Doors

Many big garage door manufacturing companies make steel doors. As such, you’ll have lots of different styles to choose from, including carriage, farmhouse, and contemporary designs. Regardless of which style you choose, discover the three key benefits of choosing steel as your garage door material.


There’s a good reason why ships and railroad tracks are made from steel. It’s incredibly durable. Garage doors made from steel are far less likely to warp, crack, or distort than ones made from wood or aluminum. As such, heavy-gauge steel garage doors usually last longer. When they do wear out, they can be recycled, making steel an eco-friendly choice.


Many people store valuable vehicles, lawn care equipment, and sporting goods in their garages. As such, you may worry about break-ins. Steel, thanks to its strength and rigidity, makes for a very secure garage door. To cut through steel is much harder than wood or aluminum.

Long-Term Affordability

Steel garage doors come at a range of prices. The nice models often cost more upfront than an aluminum or vinyl door. However, steel doors tend to be the most economical choice in the long run. Since these doors last longer, you don’t need to replace them as soon. You don’t have to spend money on finishes and sealers like you may with a wood door.

The Drawbacks of Steel Garage Doors

No garage door material is perfect, and steel also has its drawbacks. However, as you’ll see below, most of these drawbacks are easily manageable and mitigated.


Steel garage doors typically have a rust-proof substance to prevent rusting. However, if the door is scratched and some of this coating comes off, the door may start to rust. If you do spot rust on your steel garage door, you can sand down the rust and repaint that area. Or, hire a garage door repair company to do this for you.

Washing your steel garage door twice a year will also help prevent rust. Use simple household detergent or a trisodium phosphate solution. Industrial cleaners are too strong and can etch the finish.

Low Insulating Ability

Steel itself is a poor insulator. You’ll lose a lot of heat through a plain, uninsulated garage door. Thankfully, garage door manufacturers correct this problem by manufacturing insulated steel garage doors. These doors usually consist of two layers of steel with insulation packed between them. They’re a great choice for heated, attached garages.

Susceptibility to Dents

While steel garage doors are generally durable, they do sometimes develop dents if you bump into them with a lawn mower or if a tree branch bangs into them. The only real way to address this is to be more careful around the garage door. Trim back any tree branches that might bang against the door in the wind. Always slow down your mower or lawn tractor when approaching the garage.

If you focus on insulated models and don’t mind watching out for rust and dents, steel garage doors can be a safe, secure, and durable option for your home. Browse the various options available through AA Garage Door, and contact us for more details. As a local, family-owned company, we install a wide variety of garage doors, including custom steel designs.

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